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Postal Window Clerks Info

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Editorial by Lisa Herrera , Field Representative, APWU East Bay Area Local #47 (Walnut Creek, CA)


This year it’s been an uphill battle for the Local. In February we were face with excessing, jobs being abolished, and now our biggest battle is saving Clerks from being terminated for failing the window examination.


In offices where excessing occurred, management abolished nearly all mail processing jobs and reposted new jobs adding window (SSA) duties. Clerks were forced to bid on window jobs, and they are failing the window examination. Management will not give Clerks another opportunity to qualify for the window test; instead management is issuing notices of removals.


In the past, if Clerks failed the window test management would send them back to classroom training until they were able to pass the test. Not anymore. If a Clerk fails the window test, they are out the door. Management will not take it in to consideration if the Clerk has an excellent attendance record or twenty (20) years of service. Management no longer will give them a second chance.


Directive To Remove Employees

Several postmasters have informed me that a directive was given from their bosses to remove employees if they cannot meet the qualifying requirements of their positions. By doing so, it reduces their employee complement and in offices of two hundred man-years, it allows management to replace the full-time regulars with part-time regular employees.


I am aware of several offices removing Clerks for failing to qualify for their new assignments. It is quite disturbing because in one case a Clerk volunteered to be excessed and they failed to qualify on their new assignment. The Clerk has thirty-two (32) years of service and was issued a notice of removal. At another office, a Clerk with twenty-five (25) years of service was forced to bid on a window job and failed the test. Although ten (10) Clerks were excessed out from her office in February, management still issued the Clerk a notice of removal.

Management continues to find clever ways to reduce the workforce, and this is no joke. The Union has initiated grievances and we are fighting forcefully to get the Clerks back to work as soon as possible, however this is going to be a tough fight to win because management is contending there is not eight (8) hours of work available for the Clerks to do.


I suggest that all Clerks pay attention, take notes, and ask the instructor questions if they do not understand the training. The window instructors have told me that all the answers on the test are in the workbook; so make sure that you study the book before you take the test. Do not play games by deliberately failing the window test because it could affect your livelihood tremendously.


posted July 16, 2008